* Discovering the Steps to Overcome

Yesterday’s devotion "The Way Out!", spoke of Jeri’s story, a woman who had been enslaved to binge eating for a long time. For Jeri, the way out was through connection to God and to a buddy; to talk things out rather than using food to make herself feel better. Today we look at specific steps Jeri took to overcome.

As Jeri continued to work on things, she began to get in touch with other dynamics that were driving her eating. She had a lot of fear of getting close to men because of some abuse that she had suffered. She had subconsciously gained a lot of weight as a way of keeping men safely at a distance.

She gradually became aware of things that triggered her desire to eat, and she had to learn how to express that pain instead of “eating it away.” Learn to express the pain Instead of "eating it away"!

In time she came to understand that she had some character flaws as well. She was not as honest as she thought she was. She was indirect with people and then held grudges and bitterness toward them instead of talking things out directly, offering forgiveness, and resolving conflict.

She had always been a “nice” person, but that niceness was covering a lot of anger and resentment, and her true feelings would come out as she would talk about people behind their backs. She had to learn to repent of that kind of indirect, hurtful behavior and to offer forgiveness and resolve conflict.

Jeri went back to school and started a new business, which became successful. She was soon hired as a consultant and was really thrilled that she was able to exercise her gifts and talents, overcoming a longstanding belief that she was “stupid” and unable to do anything significant.

Now “significant” people were paying her to help them. One more thing. Jeri lost half of her weight – and I do not mean half of her goal weight or half of the weight that she was supposed to lose. No, I mean literally half of her body weight. She went from 300 to 150 pounds. This was not as a result of a “diet.” She lost the weight as a result of getting reconnected to God and his life.

The following steps map the path that Jeri took and that God describes:

* She got to the end of herself, the end of her own strength, admitting her powerlessness.

* She found strength in reaching out to God.

* She found strength in reaching out to God’s people.

* She overcame the aloneness and isolation through learning how to be vulnerable and to connect with others – this healed the pain that her eating was serving to medicate.

* She grew in her character, learning how to be honest, to be responsible, and to set good boundaries with others instead of being so passive and powerless.

* She grieved a lot of hurt.

* She forgave a lot of people and gave up a lot of bitterness.

* She developed her talents, reached out, took some risks, and grew a life of work and service.

* She learned to pray at a more realistic, deeper, and more dependent level.

* She began to study the Bible in a different way, not as religious obligation but as the place to find the wisdom that was healing her.

* She learned new interpersonal skills for building better relationships.

* She worked out conflicts with people, asked for forgiveness, and made amends.

* She learned to reach out to people at the critical times when she needed help.

* She lost the weight. Through spiritual growth, her addiction was overcome.

Review the above steps. Each one of the steps above are worthy of a sermon for deeper understanding. Are there any that have helped you? Are there any that you would like to grow in? Are there any you need to understand better?

Keep in mind this is a process! Jeri didn’t do all of the above in three easy CR meetings. One of the greatest demands we put on God and ourselves is to demand change…NOW! See the very first devotion on this hurtful habit.

Finding a friend can be difficult for some. Ask a CR leader Friday night about finding a sponsor or accountability partner. Don’t ignore the questions inside—make a note of them. Hope and victory are ahead. Feelings come and go, but faith in Christ lasts forever!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. -1 Peter 1:3-5


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