Love requires at least two persons: a lover and a beloved. Love requires both actions of initiation and of response, of giving and receiving. Obviously all of us who "love" both give and receive love in many ways and in many forms. Relationships that are all "giving" or all "receiving" are not very meaningful. Ultimately, God's "giving" love towards us calls for wholehearted response from us.
We can scarcely begin to imagine the nature of the relationships of love within the Godhead between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. God is always whole and fulfilled within Himself. He has no need of a creation--but He has graciously allowed us to participate in that love which is His very nature.
Furthermore, God has created us male and female in order to display something of His inner image in mankind. God is not a sexual Being--unlike many of the pagan gods of mythology. The two sexes are not identical, and not mirror images of one another: they are "complementary."
God created mankind to live in fellowship with Him and to enjoy Him in many intimate, personal ways forever. We can only be truly ourselves and truly fulfilled when God holds the place of central importance in our hearts and lives.
Idolatry is any "rival loves" we allow do
damage to ourselves, to God, and to others.
Idolatry is the universal human tendency to value something, or someone--anything--in a way that hinders or rivals the love and trust we owe to God.
Real idolatry is a matter of what we love and treasure in our hearts that is other-than God. One of the subtlest idols for us is another human being! God is invisible, we would all prefer tangible lovers--it is very easy for any of us to allow any human being to usurp God's rightful place in the throne room of the heart.
Putting God first means loving and trusting God first, above all, and with everything we are and have (see Deut. 6:5; Matt.
Idolatry occurs because of our deadly
propensity for selfish, willful control and
for self-controlled security.
Satan's lie to Eve, "you shall be like God" has rooted itself into the heart of every man. It was the angel Satan who uttered the "I wills" of the first rebellion against the Creator: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:1-14).
Pride follows close on the
heels of all human idolatry.
Any Rival Love: Idolatry-pt 2
What are we living for?
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