* Asking Questions About Jesus

If we aren’t asking good questions, others are. Even if they don’t actually ask the questions, they are probably thinking them.

Let’s look at some of those questions.
* Who is Jesus anyway?
* Why is Jesus so important?
* Why does the Christian faith always seem to talk about death? Shouldn’t we celebrate life?
* How could Jesus be both God and man?
* What does Jesus have to do with God?
* How could one event, the death of Jesus, have anything to do with me today?
* Why is Jesus so much better than other great leaders over time?

…and the questions go on!

In order to understand, we go to God’s Word. The topic of “why the Bible” over other works is a good question, but not covered here. Email if you’re asking this question.

Here’s a beginning to some of the reasons Jesus came to die:
First, we understand that Jesus was God’s own son. If this is true, then who really killed Jesus? I know this is radical to hear, but God did! It was actually God’s will to crush His own son. (Is 53:10) It is so important to understand this truth because when we discuss God’s amazing love, we need to know the unfathomable depth of His love towards us by killing His own beloved Son on our behalf. This truth must go from head to heart!

Scripture tells us that God did not spare his own Son (Rom 8:32, 3:25) and that God planned His own Son’s death by the hands of wicked men. They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. (Gen 50:20). It was His divine purpose.

The issue is not the cause or why, but the effect or purpose—the meaning!

Why was the passion of Jesus unique? First, he was very God of very God. He was the Word, in the beginning with God and all things were made through Him and the Word became flesh. (Jn 1:1-3, 14). Just reflect for a moment over this statement again;

…all things were made through Him

I have always thought that if you filled Dodger Stadium with 36,000 scholars, all earning Ph.D’s in different disciplines, they would all simply reflect the depth of …all things

Jesus was *deity, meaning He is revealed as Jehovah God in human form, that was utterly innocent in his suffering (1 Pet 2:22). He embraced His own death with authority (Jn 10:17-18).

Jesus chose to die!

His Father ordained it. Jesus embraced it. Jesus rose from the dead! His work was finished and the resurrection was proof that God was satisfied.

* The deity of Jesus (Isaiah 9:6; Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; John 1:14; 8:58; 17:5 [cf. Exodus 3:14]; Hebrews 1:3; Philippians 2:11; Colossians 2:9; and Revelation 1:8, 17–18)

Take a moment and reflect on the truth, …all things were made through Him
Do you really believe this? This is more than time and space fact, it reveals the great God we worship. The one true God of both heaven and earth. See yesterday's post to reflect on how great a God we have and the vast universe He created.

Now reflect on, God planned His own Son’s death by the hands of wicked men. They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. This is beyond words to comprehend. We worship a God that will make all things right. We can face pain because of what will come--eternal peace and joy!

Tomorrow: Jesus absorbed the wrath of God

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Father God for your Son Jesus, I don't understand much , but I am compelled by your love and I will follow you and do what you say.tt